How To Choose Ice Cream Chest Freezer

Publish Time: 2019-11-20     Origin: Site

Ice cream products are popular in the summer, they have different kinds of flavor to meet consumers’ requirement. For ice cream factory or convenience store, how to choose ice cream chest freezer to help promote ice cream or popsicles, here are some tips for reference ( for ice cream with package).

ADS light box with custom-made logo, show product category.


With ADS light box, chest freezer will be attractive for customer, especially in the night of the summer season, and category on box will be easier for them to choose the flavor of ice cream they like.


Thick foaming insulation match freezing system to achieve freezing temperature with energy saving.


 Foaming insulation is very important part for ice cream, basically, 6-8cm thickness will be better for chest freezer to storage ice creams, freezer manufacturer will use CFC free material, C5H10 to foam to made of the cabinet of ice cream.


For freezing system, we suggest use cooper evaporator and condenser, then own the feature of anticorrosion and long span life.

Transparent sliding arc tempered glass door

To order to have better display effect, we suggest use arc sliding glass door. And tempered glass will prevent hot air outside to inside.

Optional custom-made logo sticker

For chest freezer cabinet, we could make full use of it and use custom-made logo outside to promote ice creams culture and company history, these will help customer to know your brand in a simple way.

Inside display basket

Basket inside will help to display ice creams and popsicle according to different flavor and packing color.

Welcome to visit our beverage cooler by, kindly share us your requirement, we are glad to recommend models in the term of affordable price and durable material.


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