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- Can a Chest Freezer Be Used As A FridgeCan a chest freezer be used as a fridgeWith the constant use of resources on the planet, energy conservation is increasingly advocated, although chest freezers and refrigerators can be refrigerated, but they are very different, chest freezers tend to consume much less energy than refrigerators.Product News May 06, 2019
- How to Organize a Chest FreezerThe chest freezer is well known, widely used and very useful for long-term storage, but they are a little tricky to organize. Basically, the chest freezers are just a huge rectangular box, if this is full of frozen food, you have to dig around to get to the bottom, and make the food look a mess.Product News April 30, 2019
- Which Vaccines are Stored in Pharmacy FreezerVaccines are usually sensitive to the environment, most of them need to be put in a place which has low temperature. Store vaccines is very hard in the past, but pharmacy refrigerator provides a new way for storing vaccines without running them now.Product News April 28, 2019
- What Removes Smells from Meat Display ChillerIf your meat display chiller gives off an unpleasant smell constantly when it works well, it means that some meat in it has became rotten. You should take some measures to eliminate that smell in meat display fridge. The first step you should take is to remove the source of odour.Product News April 24, 2019
- Tips For Maintaining Your Deli ShowcaseDisplay cabinets or delicatessen refrigerators are important requirements for every bakery or butcher shop. These Deli Displays can be found in restaurants, meat shops, wine bottle shops, hotels, Department stores, shopping malls, bars and other places.Product News April 22, 2019
- How to Select The Right Deli Display CaseHow to Select The Right Deli Display Case Deli Display Case is a refrigerated display cabinet with multiple shelves, which can accommodate the temperature of about 40 degrees F. Appropriate Deli Showcase will increase the sales of your product, and protect the meat in it.Product News April 18, 2019
- How Long Can The Cake Last in Display Chiller?If you have a desserts shop or a job selling desserts, you must be worried about whether the cake will go bad early. So how long can the cake been preserved? The shelf life of the cake depends on many factors, such as sales dates, cake materials and storage methods.Product News April 16, 2019
- How Do You Clean Stand Up FreezerIt is well known that stand up freezers are large and are difficult to clean, especially upright freezers. Although the volume is smaller than the chest freezer, it is extremely difficult to clean. Although most people are good at cleaning refrigerators, it is still easy to forget that upright freezers also require a little attention.Product News April 12, 2019
- How Do You Deodorize the Multideck ChillerHow Do You Deodorize The Multideck Chiller Most people have multideck chillers in their homes, but over time, there will be more and more food in the fridge, so we are all suffering from the odour of the multideck chillers. How to deodorize multideck chiller has become a topic that has to be mentioned.Product News April 14, 2019
- How Often Should a Meat Showcase Be CleanedThe meat showcase is one of the sources of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) and other germs, which will make people sick if the bacteria get into food or on the surfaces, and cause the breakout of foodborne illness. So it's very necessary to clean the meat showcase regularly.Product News April 06, 2019